The adventures of Batman, the world’s greatest detective, continue in this animated series. The Brave and the Bold is an adaptation of the DC Comics comic book of the same title. The book, like the animated series, was a means to explore different superhero team-ups with the various DC Comics characters. The book would later highlight Batman as the main character that would team-up with lesser known DC characters. In recent years, the book has returned to a general team-up instead of one steady character focus. This animated series uses characters from the extensive DC Comics catalog, from showcasing members of the Justice League to highlighting older characters such as the Red Baron and Sgt. Rock of the older war-time comics of the 1950s and 1960s.
This animated adaptation is rated TV-7 and is blocked into a half-hour time frame. The program usually begins with a cold story open, followed by the credits. The main story focus follows the opening credits and usually remains the main focus for the rest of the program.
The show is animated with bright colors, a sharp contrast to any of the recent Batman film adaptations or even the past Batman animated television adaptations. The brighter animation might be appealing to younger viewers, but the show still contains strong storylines and characters that will appeal to older viewers, even adults. Longtime fans of the Batman franchise will appreciate the stories and the humor of the show. (To see a clip from Batman: The Brave and the Bold, click here.) —Judy Neeb
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