Boy-and-girl duos face off in this Survivor like show for tweens and teens. Contestants travel to remote locations such as Hawaii, Mexico and the High Sierras to compete in various physical and mental challenges. This show has many elements of other reality television shows such as Survivor, MTV’s Road Rules, and CBS’s Big Brother. The contestants form alliances and strategies as they compete for the grand prize of an all expense paid vacation with their parents. The challenges often include physical endurance challenges, food eating challenges and also mental challenges. Team members must work together to stay on for the next week. Like other reality television shows, the contestants must also navigate complex alliances and form strategies with other players to get farther in the game. The confessional gives viewers a chance to get an inside look at the game and feel as if they know each of the players. The show attempts to showcase the competitiveness of the challenges in a good-natured way, there is often gossip and dissention shown in the confessionals. This adds to the drama and intrigue of the show, but can also bring a negative tone in a mostly positive show about teamwork and perseverance. Tweens will enjoy watching peers compete in exotic looking places while parents will enjoy having an age appropriate version of popular reality competition shows. —Katie Aust
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