The Suite Life on Deck is a spin-off/continuation of The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, an original series on Disney Channel. Airing from 2008 until May of 2011 on Disney Channel, Zack and Cody are just entering high school this time around. Their high school is aboard the cruise ship, SS Tipton, and it leads to many interesting episodes as they work jobs on board while attending school and visiting many different locations such as India, Greece, Italy, Morocco, England and Thailand. While Zack is an unambitious trickster who excels at doing nothing, Cody is smart and excels at every school subject. Other characters include heiress London Tipton, from the original series, and newcomer Bailey Pickett, who is Cody’s love interest.
The plot never changes much but it is still fun to watch. The interesting locations they visit give it a small educational feel as the producers sneak a little bit of learning in with a lot of fun. The actors portray the characters very well from silly and dim-witted London, corn fed Midwestern Bailey, and of course the twins, who are so different in personality. The plot is also focused around the many romantic entanglements that Zack tries to get himself into and Cody’s never-ending crush on Bailey, who he eventually does date.
The popularity of the show led to it being broadcast in over 30 countries and in 2008 and 2009 it won best scripted show for tweens. —Amanda Neighbors
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