Young Justice is an animated television series that explores the role of younger superheroes and proteges. Characters include Robin, Superboy, Aqualad, and Red Arrow, characters that have been viewed as sidekicks and protégés of major DC Comics characters such as Batman and Aquaman. Young Justice is the team the younger superheroes form to establish their own presence in the superhero community.
Young Justice is rated TV-PG-V for moderate action violence. The characters use either their superpowers or weapons to fight in their battles. The program is blocked into a half-hour time frame. It begins with a cold open, followed by the credits and a full length story. This animated series works best with older viewers due to the complex storylines and character development. Younger viewers will appreciate watching their favorite superheroes and sidekicks. Parents concerned with violent battles should screen the program before deciding if the show is appropriate for their children.
The animation is similar to the Japanese animation style of anime, which will appeal to older viewers. Some of the animation sequences are darkly lit, which can be frustrating to those unused to the anime style. Tweens and teenagers will relate to the characters in that both are trying to find their identity. Young Justice members fight, have romantic relationships and struggle with not only their superhero duties, but their real-life duties as well. The show does feature younger female superheroes which young female viewers can relate to. Overall, it's a great way to introduce new viewers to the various characters of the DC Comics universe. Though the series does focus on the younger generation of superheroes, many different characters in the DC Comics catalog are featured and interact with the main cast. Parents who desire their children to read more often can use the show as a bridge towards many of the DC comic books. (To see a clip from Young Justice, click here.) —Judy Neeb
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