SpongeBob SquarePants is a young, yellow sponge who lives in an underwater city called Bikini Bottom. SpongeBob and his best friend Patrick, a clueless pink starfish, partake in numerous adventures across Bikini Bottom, from jelly-fishing to driving lessons to meeting their superhero idols. Along with their cranky neighbor, Squidward, and SpongeBob's other friend Sandy, a squirrel, SpongeBob finds adventure and fun in whatever he does.
SpongeBob SquarePants is rated TV-7 and is blocked into a half-hour time frame. SpongeBob SquarePants begins with the opening theme song, which will replay in your head if you watch the series often. The program is usually spilit into two, showcasing a 10-12 minute self-contained storyline. The animation is simple, though live-actions sequences are sometimes added to the storylines. Some episodes will feature a live-action pirates engaging in the story as well.
The show can be very silly and ridiculous. Some of the antics that SpongeBob and Patrick engage in seem childish. Yet, the show succeeds in that SpongeBob SquarePants makes no apology for the silliness and embraces the meaning of what it is to be a kid. SpongeBob's character has a home, a pet snail named Gary, and a job at the Krusty Krab as a fry cook. For the most part, SpongeBob is a responsible character, waiting to do good in any situations. If you can embrace the silliness, the show becomes magical and hilarious. Parents should monitor the show if they allow younger viewers to partake in viewings. The show is best suited for ages 6 and up due to its ADHD sequences. This is a show that would best not be viewed by ages 5 and younger. (To see a clip from SpongeBob SquarePants, click here.) —Judy Neeb
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