(Cartoon Network, 2008-present; ages 10 and up)

Set chronologically between the events of the Star Wars film prequels Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith (a.k.a. episodes two and three), this animated series explores the Clone War between the Jedi/Republic government and the Sith/Seperatists Movement. The series differs from the films in that the focus is not always on Anakin Skywalker, the young Jedi knight at the center of the prequels. Instead, the series is structured to expand the mythology of the Star Wars universe by introducing new characters as well as integrating characters who are already well-known in the franchise.

The Clone Wars is rated TV-PG-V for moderate violence. The show is blocked into a half-hour time frame and begins with a parable that will serve as the theme of the episode, showcasing an important life lesson the characters will explore. This parable is also a wonderful conversation starter between parent and child in that the parable can lead to discussions of how it was used in the episode and how it can apply to real-life applications. The show is broadcasted at a later time on Friday nights. This could be due to the violent battle aspects of the program. Parents concerned with violence in their children's programming would be best served screening the program before showing the program to younger viewers.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars works better with older viewers due to the complex storylines, though younger viewers will appreciate the quality animation and battle scenes. Parents who are fans of the Star Wars franchise will appreciate how the animated series is a great way to connect their children with the Star Wars mythology. The series also showcases strong female character role models that young female viewers can relate to. —Judy Neeb

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